Secure and efficient pickup, transportation, and storage services.
Break down of whole units to the component/part level for reuse and resale.
From DOD-compliant overwriting to monitored physical destruction, degaussing the highest standards in data security.
Processing of residual e-waste into segregated material streams for reuse in manufacturing or downstream refining.
Restoration of whole units in suitable condition for reuse and resale. Warranty support and returns management services may also be possible in certain jurisdictions.
Maximizing value out of retired IT assets to boost revenues of our clients while extending the life of the product
Returns management and utilization of excess IT goods via our highly developed distribution channels
Since recycling and reusing waste electronics always saves resources, Greenscape uses its experts to repair and restore consumer and IT appliances for use in secondary and tertiary uses.
Re-configuration and re-deployment of working assets, site clearance, valuation/appraisal of disposal options, etc.
Complete and timely reports of the progress of the client’s assets delivered within 45 days cycle along with Destruction certificates.
Value added consultancy services for clients on annual compliance to local statuary laws.
We have long been regarded as resource conservation and reuse experts. Our traditional strategy has always been to protect the ecosystem, use as little natural resources as possible, and minimize our environmental impact.
Our services are not just for corporations or individuals, but for our planet. We see our contribution of reincarnating the materials from dysfunctional gadgets as that closest to mimicking nature. Recycling is a circular approach and it is the only solution to our ever growing demands for advancements in life.
MoEF (Ministry of Envt & Forests) launched the first ever waste electronics legislation in 2012, with an objective to tackle the problem of dumping of used electronics in landfills. The change post 10 years in 2022 is that the new law published by the ministry focuses on extraction of raw materials from this urban waste stream and utilizing the commodities in remanufacturing of electronic appliances. The mindset shift from preventing dumping of dysfunctional electronics in landstreams to extracting materials from this waste stream to create wealth for people and the planet has been extraordinary.
The compliance to rules is basically an end to the means. Greenscapes core business is recycling and as a part of the recycling services we offer our prestigious clients hand holding in submitting the proof of evidence of their recycling initiatives to the government. The checks & balances are crucial for any set goal and our end goal is to keep the planet safe and be responsible for our consumption. The documents include filling Form 3, Form 2, Certificate of Recycling, Photographic proof of material receipt and recycling at destination and various other transit documents. We are working towards being 100% paperless and are being supported by the government who are encouraging the transition to e--portal.